Friday, April 1, 2011

Milkbones From Jake

Hi, it's me Jake again. I thought I'd let you know what I've been up to lately.

I like plastic Mt. Dew bottles. I can chew the cap off in 30 seconds and will trade the chewed cap for a treat. Then I drink the last drops of pop and chew the bottle into about a million pieces.

I still love to shred paper. Esp. any paper that came from the kindergarten room at school.

I know what time the kids come home from school. You can't fool me either. If the people ask me if FL is home, and it's not time yet, I won't even go to the door.

My people ask me all the time, "Is someone here?" and I look out the window to see. Funny thing is, alot of times there isn't anyone. I wonder if my people are tricking me.

I tricked the people by breaking my outdoor leash, so now they have to walk me 80 times a day instead of just letting me out the door. More quality time I say.

I have chased and caught my tail so much lately, I wore off about 2 inches of my tail. It doesn't bother me, but my people keep saying, "Poor Dog! Your beautiful tail is gone!"

I am true border collie in the aspect that I can't STAND it when the chickens are loose. I don't know why the people keep letting them out, and they won't let me herd them back into the coop. So I just bark my head off and eventually the chickens get put up.

And finally, I have succeeded in chewing thru the entire chair leg while "somebody" was supposed to be watching me. I am very proud of myself. I love that "somebody" so much! Except when "somebody" forgets to feed me. But I forgive easily.