Sunday, January 2, 2011


I have a confession. I haven't told anyone I have this blog. Yet. I think the family is beginning to suspect, but they really don't care. Found a poem, it's from the old Chevy Tahoe commercials, with the voice of James Garner. Some voices just stick in your head and you never forget them. I particularly like James Earl Jones' voice. I think he should do a Bible on Tape recording, because that's what I picture God's voice sounding like.
Nobody Knows It But Me

There's a place that I travel

When I want to roam

And nobody knows it but me.

The roads don't go there

And the signs stay home

And nobody knows it but me.

It's far far away

And way way afar

It's over the moon and the sea.

And wherever you're going

It's wherever you are

And nobody knows it but me.

~Patrick O'Leary