Monday, October 4, 2010

Kindergarten madness

FL, as I have said before, is head over heels in love with kindergarten. New friends, recess, music, computer classes, and of course, going thru the lunchline at school is a big hit. She made a self portrait, including freckles, that hangs in the school hallway. I asked her why she put freckles on it when she doesn't have freckles. "Those aren't freckles, those are pimples."

Ahhhh, the joys of having older siblings. The teacher sent home a paper for me to fill out with emergency contact info and allergy info. At the bottom of the paper is a comment section. I felt the need to fill it in. I put,"FL has teenaged siblings. She knows EVERYTHING. Good luck. "
The teacher has now informed the class that this is her last year of teaching.