Friday, April 30, 2010

What's Growing This Year

Here at Farm Wanna Be, we have limited space when it comes to a vegetable garden. It used to be about 28' by 10', but the chickens hijacked some of it. And if I build a new rabbit shed this summer, my garden will then shrink to about 16' by 12'. So I have to plan out every bit of space if I want to grow anything worthwhile. This year I hope to harvest the following:
assortment of lettuces
lots of marigold
2 kinds of sunflowers
Row of rhubarb
sweet peppers

The peppers I usually plant in large pots close to the house so they get more sun/heat reflected from off of the house and so they aren't so close to the tomatoes. I have never tried growing lettuce before, but found a good looking mixture that has me intrigued. I have never grown radishes before either, but my neighbor gave me some extra seeds and so I will try that also.