Monday, April 26, 2010

What did I accomplish today??!!

I am a list maker. Not so I don't forget something, but I make lists so I can cross things off from them. It makes me feel like I really did get something done. Sometimes I deviate from the list, and then add what I have already done back on the list, just so I can cross it off. A little OCD I know! FL can't read yet, but she has started to make her own "lists" also. Hmmmm.

Here's what got crossed off my list today:

  1. got out of bed (ok, that really wasn't on my list)

  2. washed dishes

  3. made breakfast

  4. washed laundry, about 8 loads I think

  5. hung about 5 loads of laundry on the line outside, then brought them all back in and put them in the dryer after it started to rain (weatherman was not accurate about when the rain would start, he was only off by 5 hours or so.)

  6. fed the outside critters

  7. finally planted the peas, radishes, and lettuce mix

  8. made lunch

  9. moved some irises and mint to another flower bed

  10. moved some rocks back to the flower bed border

  11. cleaned out one rabbit pen

  12. collected the chicken eggs. today I got 8 eggs from 6 chickens. very strange.

  13. called my parents (this was one of those things added to the list after I did it)

  14. stopped a couple of fights between the kids (also, added to the list after, although I think I should just permanently keep this on the list)

  15. played Farmville (yes, it was on the list, afterall, a girl's got to live a little~hehe!)

  16. trimmed some forcynthia stems to try to root for another row of bushes

  17. trimmed some mint to root

  18. made 3 different suppers, at three different times.

Here is what gets moved over to tomorrow's list 'cuz it didn't get done today:

  1. one more load of laundry

  2. take some extra clothes to a neighbor for her grandkids

  3. clean off the porch

  4. put nest boxes in the momma rabbits' pens

  5. water the plants

  6. check on the peat pot seeds I started on Wednesday

  7. delete some DVR recordings before we run out of space

  8. dry some more dandelion leaves for the rabbits

  9. wash dishes (that is never all the way done, I hate to wash dishes)

  10. make tomorrow's to do list