Time for another quote from FL. I am going to clarify right now that our family does NOT smoke anything, drink questionable substances til we're knocked out, or chew anything that needs to be spit out on purpose. (Ok, we do chew some gum, but that's it.) That being said, here she goes:
As FL and I were entering Wally's World, I listed outloud the camping supplies needed for dad's upcoming campout. Stopping first to grab a box of bandaids, I was distracted just long enough not to notice FL's sudden quietness, which means she's thinking really hard. And of course, in the middle of Wally's packed pharmacy, FL loudly askes, "Why does Dad need COCAINE?"
Thank goodness I had had my Wheaties that morning and I was able to think fast. I quickly and as loudly as I could so everyone who had heard "COCAINE" could also hear me say "Dad needs PROPANE, not COCAINE!"
I grabbed the bandaids and headed straight for the sporting goods section and put that propane right on top of the cart, in case anyone had any questions about dear Dad.