FL is keeping us in stitches and I will quote her often. She is a very "quick on her feet" thinker and I love to hear her views of the world. For instance, she thinks eating cheesy puffed popcorn with your mouth open makes them taste better.
And on the way into Kindergarten registration, I told FL they would probably ask her to write out some letters or numbers. She smiled and said she would tell them she knew the number "derf." You know, 1,2,3,4,5,6, derf, 7,8,9, etc. (She got it off a TV show, and she knows full well it's not a real number.)
After registration, she told me she wished she was mother nature. She would make it Fall right now so she could start Kindergarten. (It was only April.)
To keep current of FL's quips, just search under "Quotes from FL" at the right.