remember, LO is my little neighbor boy that comes over to play with FL when his dad goes to work.
LO watching tv: "me wants that!" I reply: "cool train!"
Another commercial: "Me wants that!" I reply: "cool truck!"
I see the next commercial and say: "What about that? Do you need some of that?"
LO replys:"No, me a kid! me no like toothpaste!"
LO sees another commercial and says "FL wants that! Then I can play with it! I'll tell her she wants that when she gets home."
LO watching tv: "me wants that!" I reply: "cool train!"
Another commercial: "Me wants that!" I reply: "cool truck!"
I see the next commercial and say: "What about that? Do you need some of that?"
LO replys:"No, me a kid! me no like toothpaste!"
LO sees another commercial and says "FL wants that! Then I can play with it! I'll tell her she wants that when she gets home."