I was on the phone last night talking to my sister when FL barged into the bathroom. (Yes, I have to hide in the bathroom to talk on the phone.) FL came in with a paper and proclaimed she was my lawyer and had a "document" for me to sign. "If you refuse, you'll have to go to court and get put in jail." So I read the document and it seemed strangely familar. It read "Have you ever been convicted of a crime? circle yes or no. Are you on any medication? circle yes or no." I asked where she got this. "I copied it off of my brother's job application," she said.
Joke of the Day: Signs that you have picked the wrong lawyer:
Your lawyer has a red briefcase that is full of crayons.
Your lawyer's office is in a bathroom.
Your lawyer brings you popcorn to eat in her office (bathroom.)
Your lawyer spells "convicted" wrong.
Your lawyer is 7 years old and doesn't comb her hair or take a shower without a temper tantrum.