Just in case you don't personally know FL, this is her "catch phrase." Yes, she told me she knows what a catch phrase is, it's something that you say all the time. FL and her best friend have a catch phrase. I guess they drive the bus driver crazy by saying "It's Dynomite" all the way home from school. FL changes her catch phrase as soon as she sees me, she starts yelling "MOOOMMMMMM, I'm HUNGRYYYYYY!!!!!" Over and over and over and over. You get what I'm saying. She has been this way her whole life. Well, except for the 4 months somewhere between the ages of 2 1/2 and 3. I ascertain that since I nursed her, she sees me and still thinks "food." (I don't care what anyone says, I am a firm believer that nursing after the age of 1 is wrong. Unfortunately, FL didn't believe in the same thing, she wouldn't quit nursing until she was 3 1/2. Yes, 3 1/2.)
Anyways, this picture is what I woke up to this morning. I guess she got tired of yelling for food, so she just wrote it down. Complete with a snowman, snowflakes and some addition thrown in for good measure. Oh, and the heart. I think the heart is not for her love for me, but her love for food.