D and I had a good time, no kids yelling, no one screaming, "I'm HUNGRY!!" We even got to go out to eat. Out of all the places we could go, we went to Subway. We do love Subway. Now that I think of it, I don't think I even saw more than 6 kids all day. Weird. Then my own reality show started playing and I walked into my living room to a huge paper shredding mess, courtesy of Jake the dog, a raunchy tv show, courtesy of teenagers, and then a dumping of a backpack of homework, courtesy of FL.
D decided he just had to go to the club and check on "things." I just sighed and went out to feed the critters.
p.s. I think this is the first time I've posted a pic of me on here. And I'm not going to tell you who is who in the pic. I'll just let you guess.