Record breaking temperatures this week, over 90 degrees and really high humidity to go with it. Of course, three mother rabbits were due this week and I am almost embarrassed to tell what I did for the rabbits. I had CBS run an electical cord all the way out to the shed to run a fan, put ice cubes in their water bowls and put frozen water bottles in each pen 2 times a day. So far so good, no babies lost yet. A litter of bunnies that were born just 2 weeks ago decided it was too hot in their nest box and jumped out. They were hardly able to walk, let alone hop, they were so young. They then suprised me by eating some wild carrot stem and licking the frozen water bottle.
It seems that the tomato blight is back, so I am not optimistic about my tomatoes. The plants looked so good, really tall and thick-stemmed, but I see some wilting of the leaves. Even some of my sunflowers have some strange curled leaves, don't know what that is. And the sunflowers are only about 4 feet tall when they should be 6 feet tall by now. I grow them right next to the chicken run, so the chickens can get some late afternoon shade from them.
A nice suprise from my garden this year is the fact that the pumpkin seeds turned out to be zucchini seeds and I finally have succeeded in growing some nice zucchini. I made some zucchini bread today and will try to fry some up tomorrow. Now I just have to keep that darn woodchuck away from the zucchini. Last year he ate big nibbles out of every single one of my acorn squash. I really need to get DH to use his archery skills and get rid of that bugger.