Jake the Dog: broke his collar, tore off the new collar, broke the old tie-out leash, broke the runner the new one was on.
The Ladies (2 year old hens): have been running amok due to the untimely demise of their quiet leader PollyAnna. At least 2 times to the neighbor's flowers and I don't know how many tomatoes of mine they have eaten.
Delilah the Cat: snuck into my bedroom and was lost for a while under the black hole under my bed
The Young Girls (the pullets): didn't get too far due to their inexperience and fear of the unknown that is outside of their run, but they did get out.
The Goldfish in the Rainbarrel: I guess they didn't get out, but due to the lack of rain, I might have to move them inside.
The San Juan bunnies: In my attempt to not befriend/tame this litter, they escaped twice while trying to move them into new pens/carrier pens. One was lost for over 24 hours, but we succeded in catching him with a heavy duty fishing net. Oddly enough, this is the first time I've ever lost a rabbit outside the shed. Hopefully, it is the last.
The heat is supposed to continue for the next week, so lets hope I can bribe the critters to stay put with ice cubes and frozen water bottles. I'll be darned if I have to haul out the extension cords and fans. Again.
(I even resorted to ice cream)