Monday, May 9, 2011

Too Much Again

How much can I fit into a single day?

got the boys to school at 6:15 am for a field trip

washed 2 loads of clothes

worked on coupons

got FL off to school

cleaned chick cage

made 2 phone calls (I hate talking on the phone)

went to grocery store

went to school

showed chicks to K class

picked up FL early so

we could get to Clearfield

to drop TDQ off for work

got gas (for the van, not me)

went to D's work

went to library

went to park

went to BK

went to Walmart

got some groceries

picked TDQ up from work

just in time to find out the boys were arriving home 1.5 hours early from field trip

and picked them up on time.

Went home

to wash more laundry,

dry more laundry,

work on coupons.

Played detective trying to figure out whose photo memory card I found in the parking lot at Walmart

went to bed around midnight.
