I do love spring! Not only is it the start to gardening season, it means the garage sales are staring also! I used to go to these huge rummage sales in church basements where you could get as much as you could cram into a paper grocery bag for a huge sum of $2. I would take all three little ones with me, plop the littlest in a large carboard box which I would push around the church filling with whatever treasures I could find. I even bribed (shame on me!) the kids with promises of "new" toys if they were REALLY good during the free-for-all sales. To make a long story short, our house was full of garage sale toys and I came away with clothes for the kids (some of which we still have today, I stocked up so well) and so many blue jeans for my quilts/crafts!
The funniest part of my early garage sale memories is one October/November day when TDQ was about 4 years old. We were driving somewhere and she started sobbing and yelling, "Stop! Stop!" When I asked her why, she replied that she had seen garage sale signs and she was certain we were missing some really great sales (toys!) It took me a long time, but I finally convinced her that garage sale season was over and the signs were really political signs for the upcoming elections.