Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Surprise Party
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Michigan Weather
Monday, April 18, 2011
One Year Blogiversary
On this day, one year ago, I commenced in writing this blog for the sole purpose of recording my family's going-on's. But it has evolved into much more, more for me that is. I have so enjoyed being able to write down something and not losing it somewhere, somehow. Playing around with the technical aspects of blogging has helped me be creative. I have renewed my interest in photography, much so that my camera has been worn out.
So on this day, I am taking a jump from a privacy to publicity. All I have to do is hit a button. . . . . .
Ok, there, I did it. (of course I did, or you wouldn't be reading this.) Now that this is public, I guess I should set a few rules.
- I don't post every day, so don't think I've run off to Tanzania without telling you. I'm still here, same time zone, same station.
- I don't have a comment section on my posts because I take criticism very hard. I try not too, but it happens anyways. If I know you and you have my email, then just use it.
- If you are a stalker, please go away. I don't have time for you.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Spring Peepers
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Opening Day
Monday, April 11, 2011
New Baby
Mr. CH is now talking, mostly to the babysitter's husband I guess. I did get a "Bye, bye, LOVE you!!!" in a very angry voice once. I didn't mind, I got the "Love you" before Grandma did, hehe!
Friday, April 8, 2011
One of Those Days
- I woke up to discover the trash had been taken out before the school bus came. If I need to expand on that, well . . . .
- a neighbor was in a car accident, but she is now home resting. Her car is totaled.
- the youngest started her acting career today, performing in a kindergarten play about a werewolf. (???)
- Jake the dog is still acting weird after yesterday's incident when he went crazy, started growling, jumping, choking himself on his chain, and then scaring himself by doing the toenail skid across the wood floor which resulted in his water dish spilling and him shaking for hours.
- one teenager came home from school in a good mood.
- one teenager came home from school and asked if I could take him and a friend to the funeral home for a viewing for another friend's mother who had passed away. Soooo sad.
- The last teenager got a call for a job they applied for. YES!!
- But the best of all is that I got a call saying my new nephew was on his way! Auntie Em is sooooooo excited! I kept checking FB all night to see if there were any updates, since phoning isn't always the best idea when there is such a time difference.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Guess Who?
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The "S" Word
Our local weatherman has been saying alot of "s" words lately. (I blame most of them on the groundhog, who I don't believe in anymore.) But tonight he said something I hadn't heard in a long, long, time. Can you guess what it was?

Monday, April 4, 2011
Stop! Go Back!
The funniest part of my early garage sale memories is one October/November day when TDQ was about 4 years old. We were driving somewhere and she started sobbing and yelling, "Stop! Stop!" When I asked her why, she replied that she had seen garage sale signs and she was certain we were missing some really great sales (toys!) It took me a long time, but I finally convinced her that garage sale season was over and the signs were really political signs for the upcoming elections.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Top Things I Did This Week To Drive My Kids Crazy
- I love to yell "I'm in There!" when someone knocks on the bathroom door and I am really in the laundry room.
- I leave random notes on their FB page for the whole world to see.
- I throw their shoes into their shoe cubbies in the mud room. Right where the shoes belong, but the kids go crazy looking for them.
- I pause the tv with the DVR, hit skip backwards, then hit skip forward. This makes the tv move frame by frame, which can make the people on tv very funny looking with half open eyes, or mouths really opened wide or just generally hilarious.
- Another tv trick I play is to turn the channel to something the kids really don't like to watch, like The Cosby Show, or M*A*S*H. Nothing clears the room faster than 1 minute of Bill Cosby. I don't know why, I always loved listening to his comedy on my parents records.
- When their friends come over, I ask the friends about school. Or their parents. Or what they've been up to. I'm always warned later, "Don't do that! You embarrass me!" I make sure I ask more questions next time.
- And finally, I wave at their friends as I drive down the street. And I might even honk the horn. All while my kids are cringing in the passenger seats. Ahhh, I love being a mom!