Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Garbage bags

I broke down and bought garbage bags this week. Sounds strange to most, but I just hate buying something that is going directly into the dumpster. I try to use the many, MANY plastic grocery bags we tend to accumulate, but the people on garbage duty are protesting about taking out garbage 2 times a day. (Really, what else do they NEED to do? Homework? hint, hint) So, anywhoo, spent 10 minutes trying to decide which bags were the cheapest. Didn't know there could be so many different kinds. Some come complete with smells already in the bag. Weird. I really don't need my garbage to smell anymore than it already does. Does anyone really pay extra for their garbage to smell "Lemony Fresh?" How 'bout the "Fresh Linen?" Am I really supposed to have my garbage smell like my laundry? I ended up with a plain drawstring bag, if you need to know. And not one kid has said, "Thanks, Mom. These are really nice." Hmmmph. See if I buy you guys anymore garbage bags.