- our toilet seat broke and someone was being very sweet and offered to install the new seat. Impressed, I left them to work on it alone. Seconds later, a voice from the bathroom called out,"Mom, could you bring me the scissors?"
- the kids were trying to sneak in one more snack right before bed. I yelled at the kids again to get in bed. One kid said," But he is distracting me with cheese puffs!" I said, "Stop eating those!" Another kid piped up,"I can't help it, they are just so full of cheesy goodness!"
- as I was pulling some bread out of the oven, the smell was drawing in a crowd. One kid wanted to know if we had any taco meat in the frig. when I asked why, he said he was going to make a "taco sandwich" out of the fresh bread. I think that was the closest to a compliment I got that day.
- a certain person wanted to wear a certain shirt that hadn't made it to the dryer yet. So this certain person drove with the shirt hanging out of the window for about 15 miles. After 9 years in this state, I think we can officially say we are now rednecks.
- one kid was playing the Indiana Jones Wii game. FL said "Hey! What are you (meaning the Indy character)doing in a bar?" the first kid says, "I'm sorry, I have problems you know."
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
More Hilariousness
FL isn't the only funny one in our family.Here are some funnies from others, I will try not to name them directly, so no embarrassment will ensue.