Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Zealand Rabbits

Finally got a New Zealand rabbit to keep her babies, they are three weeks old today. There are 7 of them, little fat buggers who don't even want to come out of their nest box. The runt is the only one who ventures out, I think because he can feed off momma without the others interfering. Momma seems to be taking care of this litter, unlike the last litter of 9 she abandoned. Momma's sister has lost two litters, a total of 20 babies. I am not very happy with her. I think I will move her to a new pen and give her a different next box and see what happens. The mixed breed bunnies I have had for the past couple of years are such better mommas and they eat so much less.
It is another rainy day here, which is fine with me since my rain barrel was half empty. I planted some tomatoes over the weekend, it is a bit early but the plants were half off, costing me a grand total of 12.5 cents apiece. I put tomato cages covered with white garbage bags over some of them, creating a greenhouse for them. Sunflowers, zucchini, and pumpkins were also planted. For some reason, I have a hard time with zucchini, which makes me feel like a poor gardener. I mean really, who can't get zucchini to grow? The rhubarb is ready to be picked but I need to get last year's rhubarb out of the freezer. I just didn't use it all up. But it won't go to waste, the chickens love it. Or maybe I will put it in the composter.
Speaking of chickens, I had one hen who seemed to be doing poorly all last week. I spent 2 days hand watering her, and she wasn't eating. She lost weight quickly but still wandered around with her sisters. All I could think of was to add cider vinegar to the chickens' drinking water. I hadn't done that all winter for some reason. And it must have worked because the hen was eating like crazy last night.